Doc Grubb
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   Dr. Larry Grubb,"Doc Grubb," Board Certified in Adult, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, can help you STOP compulsive overeating and enable you to reach your Natural Weight!

Your problem is overeating which has led to your being overweight.

Doc Grubb and his team will create an individualized plan for you that will include learning when to eat, what to eat, where to eat, proper exercise times and routines and how to set realistic goals and objectives to achieve your natural weight. Doc Grubb uses individual and group therapies, and medications only if necessary to maximize your success.

Call or email Dr. Grubb now so you too can stop compulsive overeating and reach your natural weight.

Click “contact us” to the left, or call (301) 434-2424, (877) DOC GRUB (877-362-4782) or


Solving the Weight Loss Puzzle

Buy your copy now.

Web special: $12.95 (limited time)

Download part of the first chapter for free.


Farmer's Markets have just closed for the winter. You can still go to local markets and grocery stores and select a variety of fresh vegetables and fruits in a variety of colors so that you "color your plate!"

Most fast food is all BROWN. Don't fall into this trap.If you stop and think, there are very few BROWN fruits or vegetables. Even potatoes are NOT brown vegetables.

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ABOUT | STORE | NEWSLETTER | PRACTICE | PLATE | CALENDAR | RESOURCES | CONTACT | HOME | Suite 217 | Executive Court | 1738 Elton Road | Silver Spring, MD 20903 | 301.434.2424 or 877.362.4782